Our Mission

Our Mission
Lions Vision Services exists to empower the under-served blind and visually-impaired in South Carolina to live safe, meaningful, and fulfilling lives.
Our Vision
We envision a vibrant community in which preventable blindness is eliminated, the blind and visually impaired have the resources necessary to live fulfilling lives, and public perception recognizes the potential and dignity of every blind and visually impaired person.
Our Future
What began in 1969 as an effort by the Lions Clubs of South Carolina to take collective action embodying Helen Keller's charge to be Knights of the Blind in a way that would increase access to eyecare for those who need it most has become a regional force for sight conservation.
Our Values
We provide attentive and personalized customer service to donors and clients alike, seeking to understand and share the experiences each customer brings with a positive and humble demeanor.
We prioritize resilient, inclusive, collaborative, and fun communities in every aspect of our work with a commitment to building teams that are sought after and trusted by others.
We commit to growing our social, moral, intellectual, relational, and financial capital to increase our impact through hard work, fortitude, and data driven passion that is never satisfied with the status quo.
We are accountable to all of our stakeholders and to our society at large in the fulfillment of our mission, emphasizing transparency, integrity, and open communication.
We uphold a love of learning in everything we do, recognizing our need for continuous improvement, valuing wisdom, and celebrating initiative in maintaining a creative, forward-thinking culture.
Our Strategic Plan
Strive to become the largest eye surgery program serving low income families in South Carolina. Deliver over 250 eye surgeries annually. Create new partnerships and funding.
Expand services offered that are complementary to our vision programs and enable serving an additional 100 people in need of assistance.
Focus on our niche in the eyecare sector. Transition the Hearing Aid Program to another organization that can serve clients as well or better than we can to shift our resources to eyecare initiatives.
Create an LVS Ambassador program to equip leaders within Lions Clubs and civic leadership positions throughout the state with tools to advocate for LVS.
Take steps to significantly increase LVS brand awarness throughout South Carolina among potential clients, donors, volunteers, partners, and peers.
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