For the Media

Press Kit

Click here to read a quick overview of LVS and vision health, including access to excerpts from letters of support and client testimonials.

Talking Points

Click here for a one-page summary of key talking points for vision health in SC and LVS operations that can be used freely in public remarks.

Logos and Brand

Marketing is crucial for building awareness of the importance of vision and eye health in South Carolina and increasing access to eye care services, especially for those experiencing a lack of resources.

Because the Lions Vision Services name has changed over the years (with past names including South Carolina Lions Sight Conservation Association; South Carolina Lions Sight Conservation Foundation; South Carolina Lions, Inc.; South Carolina Lions Charitable Services; and South Carolina Lions Foundation), it is more important than ever to remain consistent with our current brand to solidify the brand equity we’ve built over the last half century.

This page features all the tools you need to publicize LVS programs, events, campaigns, and initiatives, while staying true to the LVS brand.

Our Brand Guidelines

Correctly using the graphic elements, verbal tone and personality developed by Lions Vision Services will ensure that you are communicating clearly and effectively with a unified voice.

Primary Logo

SC Nonprofits, For the Media, Lions Vision Services

Secondary Logo

lions vision services logo colorful eyeball

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#WeServe (for joint work with Lions Clubs)

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